Update to fees consultation for 2012-13 begins

Published: 23 January 2012 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

We have launched a consultation on the changes we propose to make to the fees in the coming year for NHS primary care trusts, the Health Protection Agency, NHS Blood and Transplant and NHS Direct.

The services provided by NHS primary care trusts have reduced significantly over the last year, and fees for the other three organisations were disproportionately affected by changes we made to our last fees scheme. 

Our aim in consulting is to ensure that the fees these providers pay are proportionate to the services they deliver and the costs of their regulation.

Members of the public, organisations affected and other stakeholders are invited to take part in the consultation online.

The consultation will run from 23 January to 20 February 2012.

Take part in the consultation

Read more and download consultation publications on the Update to fees 2012-13 consultation.