Our working relationship with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Published: 29 September 2017
Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Today we have set out how we will work more effectively with MHRA in a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
MHRA is the UK’s regulator of medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion.
We have worked closely with MHRA on alert systems, medicines issues and online healthcare services. Our working relationship helps maintain an effective regulatory system for health and social care in England. This promotes patient safety and high quality care.
The new MoU sets out the framework to support our joint working relationship. We agree how to share information to carry out regulatory functions and to benefit the public. The MoU is underpinned by the following principles:
- addressing overlaps and gaps in the regulatory framework and responsibilities
- cooperating openly and transparently
- respecting each other’s independent status
- using resources and intelligence effectively and efficiently.