Equality in our workforce

Published: 30 January 2012 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

Read our latest report into equality and diversity in our workforce.

This report looks at staffing statistics relating to age, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation in CQC. It has been published as part of our duty under the Equality Act 2010.

The findings from this report are based on our workforce in September 2011.

Equality and human rights: Equality in our workforce

Key findings

  • Less than five per cent of staff are under 25 years old.
  • Five per cent of staff have a disability.
  • Staff from black and ethnic minority communities (nearly 12 per cent) are under represented in higher pay grades.
  • A higher percentage of new recruits are male.

Our findings also show that we need to improve the way we monitor information about sexual orientation and religion and belief in our workforce.

Find out more

You can find more statistics on equality in our work by reading the document below.

Equality and human rights

Find out about our Equality and human rights scheme, which puts individuals at the heart of health and social care services.