Dr Dauod Yosuf Abdulrahman Shantir’s surgery in Forest Road, Waltham Forest, has been rated Inadequate overall by the Care Quality Commission. Previously, in 2017, it was rated Requires Improvement.
The practice was rated Inadequate for being safe, responsive and well-led. It was rated Requires Improvement for being effective and caring, following the inspection in November 2018.
Inspectors found that safeguarding systems were not clear and did not keep patients safe or protected from abuse.
Insufficient improvement had been made since CQC’s last inspection in relation to patient satisfaction with access to the practice.
The practice did not have systems to monitor or manage outcomes and actions associated with risk assessments such as infection prevention and control. The vaccine refrigerator temperature was not effectively monitored.
Inadequate smear rates were not monitored or managed.
The practice did not effectively maintain personnel records for some clinical members of staff, including training records, professional indemnity and professional registration status
The areas where the provider must now make improvements as it is on breach of regulations are to:
- Ensure care and treatment is provided in a safe way to patients.
- Establish effective systems and processes to ensure good governance in accordance with the fundamental standards of care.
The practice should now:
- Consider ways to improve confidentiality in the reception area.
- Continue to review how patients with caring responsibilities are identified and recorded on the clinical system to ensure information, advice and support is available to them.
Professor Ursula Gallagher, Deputy Chief Inspector, Primary Medical Services, said: “I am disappointed that care at Dr Dauod Yosuf Abdulrahman Shantir’s practice has deteriorated since we last inspected. We have now placed it in special measures. Special measures will give people who use the service the reassurance that the care they get should improve.”
You can read the inspection report in full when it is published on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-496516656
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