Sherbrooke, a supported living service in Banstead, Surrey, has been rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission following an inspection in September 2017.
Inspectors rated the service Outstanding in the areas of caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led and Good for being safe and effective. The overall rating was Outstanding.
Sherbrooke provides personal care for people living with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder and other mental health support needs. The service was providing support to four people at the time of the inspection.
Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said;
“Sherbrooke is a small service which has put the provision of individualised, person-centred care at the very heart of its operation. The passion and commitment of the staff in supporting people to live fulfilled, independent lives was evident throughout the inspection process."
“Relatives provided consistently positive feedback about the caring nature of the staff with one saying “the staff are lovely…. they talk to my son and take his wishes and concerns into consideration on a day to day basis…”. We also received independent positive feedback from members of the public who observed service users being supported in the community and made contact with us to provide feedback on how impressed they were with the high standard of care demonstrated."
“Inspectors found staff were well trained to deal with specialist neurological conditions, including epilepsy and people were supported to develop their care plans, including healthy eating regimes and menu planning which resulted in healthy weight loss, improvements in fitness and well-being. Staff also worked closely with people to increase their confidence levels and reduce the incidence of isolation resulting in increased interaction with the community, including attending college in one case."
“It is clear that people are benefiting positively as a result of the high quality care provided to those using this service and I would like to congratulate the staff and management on their work in this area and their achievement in receiving an Outstanding rating.”
The full inspection report can be found on our website.
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Lara Orija on 07789 875 306.
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The passion and commitment of the staff in supporting people to live fulfilled, independent lives was evident throughout the inspection process.
Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care