South West London home care provider rated as Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission

Published: 3 February 2016 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Home Instead Senior Care, in Kingston upon Thames, South West London as Outstanding following an inspection in December 2015.

Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating to help people make informed choices about their care. Home Instead Senior Care was Outstanding overall, and found to be Good for delivering services that are safe, effective, caring, and Outstanding for delivering services that were well-led and responsive to people’s needs.

A full report from the inspection has been published on the CQC website.

Home Instead Senior Care provides domiciliary care and support to 130 people living in Kingston and the surrounding area, and is part of a franchise that delivers care to people throughout the UK.

Personal care services include assistance with bathing, dressing, eating and taking medicines; and home help covering all aspects of day-to-day housework, shopping, meal preparation and household duties. Companionship services range from escorting people on visits or appointments, to providing conversation and company.

Inspectors observed that people were extremely well supported by staff to take part in meaningful activities that promoted their overall wellbeing. The provider had recognised and responded to people’s needs by starting up several activities, including a lunch club, an afternoon tea club, three memory cafes and involvement with the Alzheimer’s Society’s Singing for the Brain service.

Service users and their relatives told inspectors that the service was extremely well managed, and that they felt safe with the support they received. People were involved in developing and deciding their care plans and they told inspectors that their views were listened to and respected.

Appropriate arrangements were in place regarding medicine administration and to help safeguard people from the risk of abuse. All staff understood what constituted abuse and were aware of the necessary action required to protect people. The provider had a thorough and comprehensive recruitment process, ensuring that new staff were competent and skilled to carry out their roles.

There was an extremely positive culture within the service, the management team provided strong leadership and led by example.  Staff were very enthusiastic and positive, and told inspectors that they were committed to providing quality care and support.

Sally Warren, CQC's Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, said:

“We are delighted that Home Instead Senior Care is the first London home care provider to receive an Outstanding rating.

“We were particularly impressed with the provider’s work to ensure meaningful and positive experiences for people who use the service and the commitment of all staff to continuously seek improved outcomes for service users.

“People we spoke with were very positive about the service and the ability of staff to respond to their changing needs.

“Staff demonstrated a sound understanding of the differing needs of the people in their care and reflected these needs when planning and delivering services. This is a great example of what outstanding care looks like.”


For further information please contact Yetunde Akintewe, CQC Regional Engagement Manager, on 07471 020 659.  For media enquiries, call the press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours.  Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here.  For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.

Find out more

Read our reports about Home Instead Senior Care.

We were particularly impressed with the provider’s work to ensure meaningful and positive experiences for people who use the service and the commitment of all staff to continuously seek improved outcomes.

Sally Warren, Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care

About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.