12 March 2013
The Care Quality Commission has issued a formal warning to Hemingway Group Limited, Registered Provider of Yanwath Care Home, stating that they must make urgent improvements to standards of care or face further action.
The warning follows an unannounced visit by inspectors to the home in Penrith, Cumbria, in January 2013 to follow up requirements made during a previous inspection.
Yanwath Care provides accommodation and nursing care for older people and people with dementia.
On inspection, it was found that the home was failing to meet national standards covering care and welfare and the management of medicines.
Inspectors were concerned that the provider was not taking adequate steps to make sure that the care being delivered met the individual needs of people living in the home, and was failing to plan and deliver care and treatment in a way that ensured people’s safety and welfare.
Care plans and risk assessments did not always fully reflect people’s needs and in some cases care plans lacked sufficient information to ensure staff delivered personalised care.
Those at risk of pressure ulcers did not always have a care plan in place to prevent or treat the condition, and some people identified as having poor or limited mobility were not being supported in an appropriate manner.
Inspectors found several inconsistencies between medications recorded as administered and those recorded as received into the home, so it was not always clear whether people were receiving their medicines as prescribed or at the correct dosage.
Medications were not always being stored safely or securely and individual care plans did not always include sufficient guidance for staff when administering medicines prescribed to be given “when required”.
Malcolm Bower-Brown, CQC’s director in the North said:
"The law sets out national standards that everyone who uses services should expect to receive. Providers have a duty to ensure they meet these standards.
“Hemingway Group Limited has been warned that they need to address these issues as a matter of urgency”.
“Our inspectors will return to the home in the near future and if we find that the provider is not making the required progress we have a range of powers at our disposal to ensure residents are receiving the service they are entitled to expect.”
Hemingway Group Limited entered into Administration on 10 January 2013 with Kerry Bailey and Jonathan Newell of PKF (UK) LLP being appointed. A specialist provider, Wallace Management Services, a Care Concern company was appointed agent to operate the home during the administration.
For further information please contact the CQC press office on 0207 448 9401 or out of hours on 07917 232 143.
Notes to editors
CQC has issued a warning notice to Hemingway Group Limited requiring action to meet:
- Regulation 9, Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010, Care and welfare
A deadline has been given for improvement. If this deadline is not met, CQC has a range of enforcement powers, which include restricting the services that a provider can offer, or, in the most serious cases, suspending or cancelling a service. CQC can also issue financial penalty notices and cautions or prosecute the provider for failing to meet essential standards. Any regulatory decision that CQC takes is open to challenge by a registered person through a variety of internal and external appeal processes.
Find out more
Read the reports from our checks on standards at Yanwath Care Home.