The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by St Georges Medical Practice, to be Outstanding following an inspection carried out in February 2015.
Inspectors found that the practice was providing an innovative, caring, effective, responsive and well-led service that meets the needs of the population it serves.
St Georges Medical Practice provides primary medical care services to approximately 9,860 patients. The practice is based on Musters Road, in West Bridgford, Nottingham. The practice is a teaching practice for first, second and fifth year medical students. St Georges Medical Practice has opted to take part in the Government’s Challenge Fund weekend pilot. This has seen the practice working co-operatively with other GPs in the local area to provide a GP service on both Saturday and Sunday mornings and on Bank holidays.
A full report of the inspection has now been published and is available to read online.
Under CQC’s new programme of inspections, all England’s GP practices are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
The report on St Georges Medical Practice highlights a number of areas of outstanding practice, including:
- The practice had hosted and co-authored a liver screening project along with other health professionals from the Nottingham University hospital and the Rushcliffe Clinical commissioning Group. This project had improved the diagnostic identification of significant liver disease in patients using a fibroscan and had won an NHS innovations award. This was published in the British Medical Journal after our inspection.
- The practice had hosted a trauma and orthopaedic community clinic since April 2014 as a new model of care. This weekly clinic provided a triage service for a range of hip and knee conditions and was led by a consultant and specialist physiotherapist. 87% of patients who had used the service rated it excellent and 13% rated it good.
Janet Williamson, Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice and Dentistry in CQC’s Central region said:
“It is clear that St Georges Medical Practice is providing an effective, responsive and well led service which is a real asset to the people living in this part of Nottingham.
“Feedback from patients and clinical teams was excellent and staff went above and beyond their level of duty to care for patients. Prior to our inspection we left comment cards for patients to complete. 28 out of 30 had wholly positive comments, expressing views that the practice offered an excellent service with understanding, caring and compassionate staff.
“The practice offered proactive, personalised care to meet the needs of the older people in its population and had a range of enhanced services, for example, in dementia and end of life care. It was responsive to the needs of older people and offered home visits and rapid access appointments for those with specialist needs.
“All of this hard work pays off in making a real difference to patients – which is why we have found this practice to be Outstanding.”
For media enquiries, call Regional Engagement Officer, Helen Gildersleeve on 0191 233 3379.
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Feedback from patients and clinical teams was excellent and staff went above and beyond their level of duty to care for patients
Janet Williamson, Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice and Dentistry, Central region