A care home in Retford, Nottingham, has been rated Outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
CQC inspected Tigh Fruin in February 2020. Tigh Fruin is a residential care home providing personal care to people with learning disabilities and autism.
The inspection found that people using the service benefitted from safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led care. Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
Tigh Fruin has been given an overall rating of Outstanding and is rated as Outstanding for whether its service is effective and responsive and rated Good for whether its service is safe, caring and well-led.
Deanna Westwood, CQC Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region, said
“Our inspection team was extremely impressed by the level of support offered to people using this service.
“The home was well run by committed and dedicated staff, with a management team who continued to drive an open and responsive culture.
“New and creative approaches had been developed to provide a person-centred approach in a friendly and homely living environment.
“When people transitioned to the service there was a bespoke planned approach to support the person at their own pace with guidance from other professionals and family.
“The environment was decorated to support individual choices and interests. For example, one person's bedroom had been decorated to replicate the one they had been used to using. This ensured minimal distress when they stayed at the home.
“Staff understood people well and plans reflected a variety of techniques to promote positive support when some people became anxious.
“This is why we have rated Tigh Fruin as Outstanding.”
A full inspection report has been published on CQC’s website: www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-2137971776
For further information, please contact regional engagement officer, Helen Gildersleeve on 07825 939328.
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