The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by ExtraCare Charitable Trust Lovat Fields Village in Milton Keynes to be Outstanding overall following an inspection in April.
The service has 258 homes and over 300 people using it. It provides support to people in a number of ways - from housekeeping to personal care, including supporting people with dementia – depending on their individual circumstances. At the time of our inspection there were 59 people receiving support with personal care.
Inspectors found staff were caring and compassionate and people were being provided with safe, responsive, caring, effective and well-led care.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. ExtraCare Charitable Trust Lovat Fields Village was rated Outstanding overall, Outstanding for being responsive and well-led and Good for being safe, effective and caring.
Rob Assall-Marsden, CQC’s Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region said:
“Our inspection team were really impressed by the level of care and support offered by ExtraCare Charitable Trust Lovat Fields Village.
“We found that people's experiences of care were overwhelmingly positive. The service had a positive culture that was person centred, inclusive and empowering.
“People told us that they had a voice, felt listened to and that they mattered. Staff supported people and their relatives to engage in discussions about their care and they worked proactively to help people to make choices and decisions about their care. People were also supported to experience new activities or take up past ones.
“The registered manager and staff knew each person well and what mattered to them. People's needs were comprehensively assessed, care and support plans gave clear guidance on people’s needs, were personalised and reflected each person's preferences. People really were put at the centre of their care.
“People were supported to attend a range of support groups and there was an extensive range of activities on offer to ensure they led meaningful and fulfilling lives.
“Staff were passionate and committed to providing excellent care that supported people to lead gratifying and independent lives and people reported feeling involved and being part of village life.
“All of this meant people received a high standard of care, which is why it has been rated Outstanding.”
Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said:
“The quality of care which our inspectors found here was exceptional and I am very pleased that we can celebrate the service’s achievements.
“An outstanding service is the result of a tremendous amount of hard work and commitment. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved.”
For further information, please contact Louise Grifferty on 07717 422917. Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here. Please note: the press office is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters. For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.
The service had a positive culture that was person centred, inclusive and empowering.
Rob Assall-Marsden, Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care, central region