Hounslow care service rated Outstanding by CQC

Published: 20 August 2019 Page last updated: 20 August 2019

A Hounslow care provider has been rated Outstanding overall by the Care Quality Commission. It was also rated Outstanding at its previous inspection.

Elysium Care Partnerships Limited – 13 Alexandra Gardens, was rated Outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led. It was rated Good for being safe, following the inspection in May 2019.

The service is a care home for people with learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder. It can accommodate up to 12 people and that many were using the service during CQC’s unannounced inspection.

The service had an experienced registered manager who was able to bring alive the provider’s ethos in community care. The organisation placed a huge emphasis on staff getting the right training to care for people using the service and working with the right professionals to embed best practice. As part of this, the provider had directly employed a behavioural analyst and speech and language team (SALT) therapist which is good practice for this type of care.

Inspectors were particularly impressed by the person-centred care planning in use. CQC confirmed the care plans were effective and people’s individual needs were met consistently. The provider used a 'total communication' approach which ensured people had access to the right means of communication for them. The various initiatives of supporting people to understand information, played a significant role in supporting people to make decisions and to be involved in their care.

There was an exceptionally varied range of activities that was tailored to the people using the service. For example, people took part in community projects, went on holidays, and used interactive light system games to help them to communicate and improve skills such as problem solving and dexterity.

There was an annual talent show where people from across the provider's services were encouraged to participate. Celebrating in this manner helped to make people feel positive about their identity and increased awareness of learning disabilities in the wider community.

The registered manager and staff were very passionate about ensuring people were always at the centre of their home, their environment was appropriate, and that care was delivered to a high standard that met their needs and preferences.

The service is accredited and is part of a number of local and national initiatives and has an impact not only locally but also nationally in terms of the national guidance they have contributed to, for example their contribution to the Skills for Care guidance. The registered manager was a member of a number of organisations including the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD), STOMP- Stopping the over-medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both and the National Autistic Society and Dignity in Care.

Alison Murray, Head of Adult Social Care Inspection in London, said: “I am always delighted to see examples of Outstanding care. Elysium Care Partnerships Limited have gained our top rating of outstanding once again and have demonstrated their commitment to providing an outstanding service.

“We saw that the registered manager skilfully led a dedicated team including specialists and care staff making sure that people received high, quality person centred care.

“I congratulate the management team and staff for their professionalism and the care that they provide.”

You can read the report in full when it is published on CQC’s website at: www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-2172191305


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About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.