The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust as Requires Improvement (RI) overall. Whilst it was previously also rated RI, inspectors noted some marked improvements during the recent inspection.
The trust is now rated Good for being caring, effective and well-led, following the inspection in February and March 2020, with the safe and responsive domains remaining Requires Improvement.
A CQC spokesperson said: “Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust has made improvements and CQC recognise that the trust’s leadership is moving the organisation in the right direction.”
Routine inspections were suspended by CQC on 16 March 2020 to support and reduce the pressure on health and social care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. CQC, as well as providers, want to be able to prioritise keeping people safe during this time.
The trust was rated Requires Improvement for the way it uses its resources. The Use of Resources rating is based on an assessment carried out by NHS Improvement. The combined rating for Quality and Use of Resources summarises the performance of the trust considering the quality of services as well as the trust’s productivity and sustainability. This rating combines CQC’s five trust-level quality ratings of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led with the Use of Resources rating. The trust’s combined rating was RI.
Full details of the ratings are given in the published report.