The Care Quality Commission has published a report for the Child and Adolescent mental health wards at Berkshire Adolescent Unit, Wokingham Hospital (part of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust).
CQC undertook this focused inspection in June in response to a series of concerns raised and an alleged serious incident which occurred at the Berkshire Adolescent Unit three months prior to the inspection. The inspection concentrated on the safe and well-led key questions and was rated as Requires Improvement for being safe and Good for being well-led. The overall rating for services at the trust remains Good.
Read the full inspection report.
Natasha Sloman, CQC Head of Hospital Inspection said:
“During this inspection we identified a number of key areas for improvement which the trust will need to address including establishing systems and processes to ensure that all safeguarding concerns are acted upon. We will continue to monitor the trust to check that these improvements are made.
“Aside from these issues, the trust has developed action plans to address issues relating to safeguarding concerns.
“The overall rating remains Good.”
During this inspection we identified a number of key areas for improvement which the trust will need to address including establishing systems and processes to ensure that all safeguarding concerns are acted upon.
Natasha Sloman, Head of Hospital Inspection