The Care Quality Commission has rated Netley Court in Netley, Southampton as Outstanding following an inspection in January.
Inspectors rated the service Outstanding for being caring and well-led and Good for being responsive to people’s needs, safe and effective. The overall rating was Outstanding.
Netley Court is a residential care home providing personal care for up to 70 people aged 65 and over at the time of the inspection.
Rebecca Bauers, Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care, said;
“We found the management and staff at Netley Court were committed to providing outstanding care to the people living at the service. People were supported and encouraged to have choice, independence and control in a range of aspects of their lives. The team working there led by the registered manager should be extremely proud of the work they do.
“What really impressed me in reading the inspection report and speaking with those involved in the inspection about this service was the level of personalised support that people received, from staff who had the right skills and who treated people with kindness, compassion and dignity. People told us they liked the staff who supported them, and staff themselves declared it a great place to work.
“People should always be cared for by services that are safe, effective, caring, responsive to their needs, and well led. I would encourage other providers to read this report, and the others we have published on services we have rated Outstanding, to see what they can learn.”
Some of the key findings from the inspection include:
The service was a home to people living there. Inspectors saw people using the space as they would have done in their own homes and being encouraged to do so. There was a seating area in reception and people kicked off their shoes and relax comfortably on the sofas, as they would in their own home.
A staff member told a person living in the service about their forthcoming wedding. The person they told said they hadn't been to a wedding for a long time. The staff member invited them to come to their wedding and a colleague who was also going to the wedding took the person to the wedding. The impact for the person was positive in that they enjoyed the day and spoke about it for several weeks afterwards. They had been able to leave the home for the day and be with people they cared about.
We found the management and staff at Netley Court were committed to providing outstanding care to the people living at the service
Rebecca Bauers, Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care