The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by a care home in Seaford, East Sussex, to be Outstanding following an inspection in May 2017.
Inspectors rated Framfield House, Outstanding for being caring and responsive to people’s needs and Good for being safe, effective and well led.
Framfield House is a residential unit providing accommodation and care to young adults who attend St
John's School and College. St. John's is a special educational needs (SEN) school and specialist college that provides education, care and medical therapy to young learners aged 7 to 25, who have a wide range of complex learning disabilities, such as autism and related autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) and young learners who have special needs resulting from behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD).
Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said:
“Framfield House is providing an excellent culture that is open, person-centred, and empowering. Staff are going above and beyond to share information with learners and provide explanations in a way that empowered them to make informed decisions and become more independent."
“The common aim was to achieve outstanding outcomes for learners. Framfield excelled at providing consistency which had a positive impact on learners' wellbeing, reduced their anxiety levels and provided a much needed stability."
“The team should be extremely proud of the work they do. I congratulate the staff at Framfield House for achieving our highest rating."
The learner's experience of their care and support was overwhelmingly positive. They were involved in the planning and reviewing of their care records and were able to direct their care. They were also assisted using Innovative methods to learn how to manage their anxieties and emotions. They discussed and shaped the activities they wished to take part in and were listened to. They took part in socially inclusive activities in their local communities and well as at the college. Learners had work experience and work placement opportunities as well as working in college departments. Information was shared and explanations given to learners to help them form their own opinions and make their own choices and decisions
Staff were aware of their role in safeguarding learners from abuse and had received appropriate training. We saw risk assessments had been devised to help minimise and monitor risk, while encouraging learners to be as independent as possible. Staff were very aware of the particular risks associated with each person's individual needs and behaviour.
Staff were enthusiastic and happy in their work feeling supported within their roles. They held the management team in high regard, where managers were always available to discuss suggestions and address problems or concerns. There was a strong emphasis on team work and communication sharing. The registered manager and staff were seen to have a 'can do' attitude and were solution focussed.
The full inspection report can be found on our website.
For further information, please contact John Scott, Regional Engagement Manager on 077898 75809.
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Framfield House is providing an excellent culture that is open, person-centred, and empowering
Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care