The Care Quality Commission has today published a two reports on services belonging to Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Castleton Day Unit in Yeatman Hospital, Sherbourne Dorset and the Day Surgery Unit in Yeovil Hospital, Yeovil. The reports follows an inspection from 23 and 24 May 2018 which was carried out as part of CQC’s scheduled inspection programme for 2018/19. Overall both services are rated Good.
Read the reports:
The Castleton Day Unit is operated by Day Case UK LLP. Day Case UK LLP is a partnership between Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Ambulatory Surgery International. Day Case UK LLP (DCUK) leases facilities, through a local NHS trust, within the community hospital in Sherborne. DCUK shares the Castleton Day Unit with the Ophthalmology outpatient service from the local NHS trust. This is intended to provide local people with comprehensive ophthalmology services.
The Day Surgery Unit is operated by Day Case UK LLP. The service is situated within Yeovil District Hospital in Somerset. The NHS trust and the Day Surgery Unit work as a partnership to provide day-case surgical and endoscopy procedures to NHS patients. The service primarily serves the communities of the Yeovil, Somerset and Dorset. It also accepts patient referrals from outside this area.
Alison Giles, Inspection Manager for the South West said:
“This is the first time we have inspected both services since they were registered in March 2017. We found a strong leadership team that had skills, knowledge and integrity to lead the service.
“There was a culture of openness, candour and honesty amongst staff with staff felt valued and empowered to suggest improvement initiatives and raise concerns if they needed to.
“There were areas where the trust needed to take further action to improve its services and we will be returning to inspect in due course. We will continue to monitor the safety and quality of services through our continuing relationship with the trust and our regular inspections.”
For further information, please contact John Scott, Regional Engagement Manager on 077898 75809.
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