In the past week the Care Quality Commission has published a further 73 reports on the quality of care provided by adult social care services across the South of England.
Following recent inspections, 43 of these care homes and agencies supporting people in their own homes have been rated as Good, 23 have been rated Requires Improvement, seven have been rated Inadequate.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all of England’s adult social care services regulated by CQC, are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
Deborah Ivanova, CQC's Interim Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, said:
"People are entitled to services which provide safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care. We assess services against five key questions – Is the service caring? Is the service effective? Is the service safe? Is the service well led? Is the service responsive? – and rate each question and the service overall. Where we find a service meets our characteristics of good or outstanding then we will rate accordingly.
"If we find that a service requires improvement, we will expect them to provide us with a full plan setting out how they will address the issue. We will share our findings with local commissioners, and we will return in due course to check that they have made the required improvements.
"Whenever we find a service to be Inadequate, we will consider taking further action on behalf of the people who use the service. Providers of those services should take the publication of the inadequate rating as a signal that immediate action is required to improve the service”
Full reports on all 73 inspections are available on this website.
Adult Social Care services by local authority area and rating:
- Charlton House Community Resource Centre, Bath and North East Somerset: Good
- Dimensions Newton House, Bath and North East Somerset: Good
- Blue Roof Bungalow Care Home, Bournemouth: Good
- Drumconner Care Home, Bournemouth: Good
- Heathlands Residential Home, Bracknell Forest: Good
- Care Outlook (Brighton and Hove), Brighton and Hove: Good
- Aabletone Nursing Home, Bristol, City of: Good
- Care at Home Service - Henleaze Road, Bristol, City of: Good
- Alde House, Buckinghamshire: Good
- Beech Tree House, Buckinghamshire: Good
- Chiltern Grange Care Home, Buckinghamshire: Good
- Living Horizon, Buckinghamshire: Good
- White Hill House Residential Home for the Elderly, Buckinghamshire: Good
- Cross Keys, Cornwall: Good
- Fairfield Country Rest Home, Cornwall: Good
- HF Trust - Trelowen, Cornwall: Good
- Briarcroft Care Home, Devon: Good
- Exeter, Devon: Good
- Ivydene Nursing Home, Devon: Good
- New Key, Devon: Good
- Person Centred Care, Gloucestershire: Good
- Autism Wessex-Rose Cottage, Hampshire: Good
- Baytrees, Hampshire: Good
- Chartwell House, Hampshire: Good
- Glebelands, Hampshire: Good
- Glynn Court Residential Home, Hampshire: Good
- Maple House, Hampshire: Good
- Randell House, Hampshire: Good
- 1-3 Emily Jackson Close, Kent: Good
- Ventura, North Somerset: Good
- C3 Care Ltd, Oxfordshire: Good
- Balmain Care Home, Plymouth: Good
- Plymbridge House, Plymouth: Good
- Dorset House, Poole: Good
- Regency Nursing Home, Portsmouth: Good
- 121 Watleys End Road, South Gloucestershire: Good
- Dimensions 43 Clayhill Road, West Berkshire: Good
- Silver Court, West Sussex: Good
- Westall House, West Sussex: Good
- OSJCT Athelstan House, Wiltshire: Good
- The Willows, Wiltshire: Good
- Turning Point - Hollygrove, Wiltshire: Good
- Suffolk Lodge, Wokingham: Good
- Beaufort Grange, Bristol, City of: Requires improvement
- Camplehaye Residential Home, Devon: Requires improvement
- Belle Rose Nursing Home Limited, Dorset: Requires improvement
- Brockworth House Care Centre, Gloucestershire: Requires improvement
- OSJCT Westbury Court, Gloucestershire: Requires improvement
- Woodstock Nursing Home, Gloucestershire: Requires improvement
- Green Gables Nursing Home (Downing Green Gables Limited), Hampshire: Requires improvement
- HCC North Hampshire Hub, Hampshire: Requires improvement
- Orchard House, Hampshire: Requires improvement
- Glendale Lodge, Kent: Requires improvement
- Pelican Court, Kent: Requires improvement
- St Anselm's Nursing Home, Kent: Requires improvement
- Temple Ewell Nursing Home, Kent: Requires improvement
- A G Palmer House, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- Middletown Grange, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- Oasis Private Care Limited, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- Southerndown, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- The Triangle, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- Waypoints Plymouth, Plymouth: Requires improvement
- La Fontana, Somerset: Requires improvement
- Vaughan Lee House, Somerset: Requires improvement
- Kings Court Care Centre, Swindon: Requires improvement
- OSJCT Seymour House, Wiltshire: Requires improvement
- Lymewood Nursing Home, Devon: Inadequate
- Southernhay Residential Home, Devon: Inadequate
- Southdowns Nursing Home, East Sussex: Inadequate
- York Lodge, East Sussex: Inadequate
- Summerfield Nursing Unit, Gloucestershire: Inadequate
- Shore Lodge - Care Home Learning Disabilities, Kent: Inadequate
- Summerlea House Nursing Home, West Sussex: Inadequate
For further information, please contact John Scott, Regional Engagement Manager on 077898 75809 (please contact Mark Humphreys, Regional Engagement Officer on 0191 233 3519 or 07881656012 in John's absence this week).
Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here. Please note: the press office is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters. For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.