Caroline Cares For You Ltd rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission

Published: 18 July 2018 Page last updated: 18 July 2018

Caroline Cares For You Ltd in Peveril Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire has been rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission following a recent inspection.

Inspectors rated the service Outstanding for being effective and caring and Good for being safe, responsive to people’s needs and well-led. The overall rating was Outstanding.

Caroline Cares For You Ltd is a domiciliary care agency that provides personal care to older people living in their own homes. There were 25 people receiving support at the time of the inspection.

Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said;

“Caroline Cares For You Ltd is a service providing high quality care with added thoughtfulness which demonstrates a kind, person-centred and individualised approach. Inspectors were told about numerous acts of kindness that exceeded expectations. Examples include staff staying with colleagues to ensure visits to people’s homes could still be maintained during adverse weather conditions and also giving meaningful birthday gifts and cards tailored to reflect people’s interests and likes.

“To achieve an Outstanding rating overall is a commendable achievement and I would like to congratulate the staff and management for providing care that merits our highest rating”.

Read the report

Key findings from the inspection include;

  • The service demonstrated the characteristics of being outstanding in providing effective care. The service worked closely and effectively in partnership with health professionals and therefore people were supported to live healthy lives, good access to health care services and ongoing support with their health.
  • People and their relatives spoke positively about the outstanding care they received and referred to staff as being extremely kind, caring and friendly. People were placed at the centre of their care and told inspectors they felt listened to and valued by the staff who supported them, always respecting their privacy and dignity and supporting them to develop their independence.
  • The registered manager used her previous experience as a practise nurse to inform and facilitate excellent health and support outcomes for people using the service. The links with health professionals were excellent and there was a thorough approach when liaising with other services and community colleagues who worked collaboratively to support people to stay at home. We heard several examples of how this joint working had prevented unnecessary hospital admissions and supported people’s wishes to be treated at home or remain at home at the end of their life.


For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Lara Orija on 07789 875 306. 

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I would like to congratulate the staff and management for providing care that merits our highest rating

Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector, Adult Social Care

About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.