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  • Homecare service

Golden World Care Service

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

First Floor, 81 - 85 Station Road, Croydon, CR0 2RD (020) 3959 8040

Provided and run by:
Golden World Care Service Limited

Report from 3 September 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Golden World Care Service is a domiciliary care agency, registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide personal care to people in their own homes. At the time of this inspection, 10 people were receiving care from the provider. The service’s previous inspection, published on 23 June 2022, rated the provider as Requires Improvement due to breaches of legal requirements. These breaches related to safeguarding, risk management, staff training and support, infection prevention and control, medicines, complaints, and governance systems. This focused inspection was undertaken to check if the provider had made the required improvements. We gave 48 hours' notice of our on-site visit, ensuring the registered manager would be available to support the inspection. Inspection activities took place from 23 to 25 September 2024, with office visits on the first two days. We reviewed four key questions – Safe, Effective, Responsive, and Well-led – all previously rated Requires Improvement. We found that the provider had addressed most concerns identified in the last inspection, including those related to safeguarding, staff training and support, medicines, complaints, and person-centred care. However, while governance systems had improved, they were not fully effective. The systems failed to identify new issues with record keeping and accessibility concerning risk management and pre-employment checks for new staff. These issues were discussed with the provider, who addressed them by the second day of inspection. We found no evidence of harm to people, but the provider’s ongoing failure to identify and rectify record-keeping and accessibility issues indicated a continued breach of regulations regarding governance. Consequently, we have repeated this breach. Despite these concerns, sufficient improvements were made overall to raise the service’s rating from Requires Improvement to Good.

People's experience of this service

We spoke with 3 people receiving care and a relative, all of whom expressed general satisfaction. Feedback included, “The service is very, very good. They [staff] are nice people and I feel safe with them,” and, “Despite a few issues, they are improving and still the best home care agency we have had.” An external social care professional also expressed satisfaction, stating that they had observed the registered manager’s efforts to address previous CQC inspection concerns and had no current issues. During our inspection, we spoke with the registered and deputy managers in person and received email feedback from 6 care staff. We found that people were protected from abuse and harm, with individual risk assessments and consistent monitoring in place. People experienced continuity of care from a dedicated team familiar with their individual needs, and medicines were administered as prescribed. The provider followed best practices for infection control, including COVID-19 measures. Staff met people’s needs and preferences by following person-centred care and risk management plans. People were supported to maintain their health and control in their lives, and those receiving help with meals reported satisfaction with how their dietary needs were met. People received information in ways they preferred and were treated fairly. The provider encouraged feedback on service quality and addressed any concerns or complaints appropriately.