19 June 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report. This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
People are treated with respect and dignity by the staff. People we spoke with told us they felt staff listened to them and acted on what they said. Staff had to use their mobile phones to notify the agency they had arrived to their calls and do the same on leaving. This ensured that calls to people could not be missed.
The agency had policies and procedures in place in relation to infection control. Staff received training about this and they were provided with personal protective equipment. This helped to protect all parties. A member of staff we spoke with said 'The infection control training was useful. I know what I am doing.'
The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of service provided. These systems were constantly being monitored to ensure people remained satisfied with the service they received.
Effective recruitment processes were in place to help protect people from staff who may not be suitable to work in the care industry.
Is the service effective?
People's health and care needs were assessed before a service was provided. People were involved in stating what care and support they wished to receive. A person we spoke with said 'They (the care staff) write down the care given. They ask if I want anything else doing, they will do anything for me. They look after me.' People told us how their service was effective in meeting their needs.
Is the service caring?
People we spoke with and their relatives told us they were satisfied with the care and support provided by the staff. They told us staff understood their likes, dislikes and preferences and respected these.
We were told by the provider that they discussed with people receiving a service any new care needs they may have. This ensured people's care packages were reviewed so that they could receive the help and support required. We saw from the care records we looked at that care staff recorded in detail all the care they provided to people.
The staff we spoke with appeared to be passionate about their work. All the staff we spoke with said they loved working for this provider. A carer we spoke with said 'It is a pleasure to come to work.'
Is the service responsive?
There was a complaints policy in place which people were made aware of. People we spoke with said they would raise issues with the provider or staff. People receiving a service or staff could gain help and advice at any time. This ensured all parties felt supported.
The manager told us how people were treated as individuals by the staff. We were informed that the staff all worked together to support each other and covered sickness or absence. The manager was trained to provide care so they could carry out calls if the need arose.
Is the service well- led?
The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service. These systems were always being reviewed and developed by the management team. People receiving a service or their relatives were regularly asked for their views by phone, through staff visiting them or through care reviews. Feedback received was acted upon.
Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities. The manager held regular staff meetings to help keep the staff informed.
Staff we spoke with told us that effective recruitment processes were in place. They said recruitment practices were fair and thorough.
The manager was supported by a higher management team. They were able to offer help and advice to the manager regarding any issues.