• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: Destination Skin Cheltenham

Upper Balcony, Beechwood Shopping Centre, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1DQ (01242) 529415

Provided and run by:
Destination Skin Group Limited

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

We followed up the non-compliance identified in a previous inspection in relation to the secure storage and retention of records relating to persons employed for the purposes of carrying on the regulated activity. We did not seek feedback from people using the service as part of this inspection.

The provider supplied us with evidence that they were keeping staff records securely. They had arranged for records to be returned to their head office for archiving or destruction where appropriate. The provider had carried out an audit to ensure that records were being kept securely.

8 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that Destination Skin Cheltenham was not carrying out the regulated activity of surgical procedures so this was not inspected. A nurse attended the clinic one day a fortnight to carry out treatments. On the day of our inspection she was not at the clinic. We had feedback from one of the two people having treatment during our visit and have reflected comments from other people using the clinic.

Comments from one person to the clinic noted, "all areas are coming along nicely". Another person said, "it's gone really well the last few sessions, I am really happy with the results." Feedback from a person during our visit included, "I am very happy with the treatment given and have gained great skin results".

People made an informed decision about the treatment they were to receive. Their consent was recorded and reviewed at each treatment. Treatment plans and contractual agreements provided a complete overview of people's past medical history and current treatment.

Systems were in place to prevent and control infections. Cleaning and equipment checks were completed daily. The clinic was clean and tidy. A person commented that "cleanliness always to a high standard".

Staff told us they had access to an excellent training programme. They received support and performance improvement meetings at appropriate intervals. We found that some staff records were not kept securely.

A quality assurance system was in place. People were asked for their feedback.