Archived: Carrickfinn

29 St Werburghs Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M21 0TL (0161) 860 5889

Provided and run by:
Mrs S Devanney

All Inspections

14 March 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

In this report the name of a registered manager appears who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location at the time of the inspection. Their name appears because they were still a Registered Manager on our register at the time.

People using the services at Carrickfinn, and regular visitors to the home spoke positively about their experiences. Comments made included;

'The staff are very capable, I have known most of them for over 2 years and I'm very confident about them'

'The cook's back thank goodness! ' she is absolutely lovely and her meals are fantastic'

'All my [relative's] care needs are being met and I have no worries'

'It is very good, I am happy and am looked after by the staff.'

'The staff are really helpful, I really do like it and have been here a long time.'

We found that people were being provided with sufficient food and drink and staffing levels were appropriate to meet the needs of those using the service. However we did identify significant concerns in respect of people's care records, the safety and suitability of the premises, requirements relating to the recruitment of staff, staff training records and the lack of a system to assess and monitor the quality of service provision at Carrickfinn.

2 January 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not speak with any people using the service on this occasion. The purpose of our unannounced inspection visit to Carrickfinn on 2 January 2013 was to review actions the provider had taken to achieve compliance in relation to meeting the regulations relating to cleanliness and infection control. We also took the opportunity to look at issues raised with the Care Quality Commission by an anonymous informant at the end of December 2012. Specifically those issues related to concerns about how refuse was being stored and disposed of at Carrickfinn.

We found that found that the arrangements for the disposal of refuse was adequate. A contractual arrangement was in place for the removal of rubbish. No inappropriate storage of rubbish was observed within the grounds or the buildings of Carrickfinn and there was no malodour (unpleasant smells) in the grounds or the home.

A general tour of the home found it to be clean, warm and free of malodour. Sufficient care, domestic and catering staff were on duty to support the residents who appeared to be well groomed and comfortable in their environment.

Bathroom, toilet and shower areas were clean. Liquid soap and paper towels had been provided for hand washing/drying. Care staff were observed to use a readily available supply of disposable gloves/protective aprons when providing personal care. They were also observed to wash their hands between interventions.

9 October 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our inspection of Carrickfinn in June 2012 people using the service told us that they were wellcared for and that the staff respected them and preserved their dignity. They were also of the view that the care and support they were receiving was safe and appropriate and that they were treated as an individual. Regular visitors to the home told us that, in their view, staff were caring for and supporting people properly.

The purpose of this inspection was to check that actions had been taken to address those areas judged to be not compliant in June 2012. We found that action had been taken to address the issues identified. However we did identify issues in relation to minimising the spread of potential infections.

12, 13 June 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

People using the services at Carrickfinn told us they were being well cared for and that the staff were respectful and preserved their dignity. They were also of the view that the care and support they were receiving was safe and appropriate and that they were treated as an individual. Regular visitors to the home told us that, in their view, staff were caring for and supporting people properly.

Comments included;

'I am very well cared for here, they (the staff) are all very kind and I have no worries. The staff ask me when and what I would like to do each day - like what I would like to wear or when I want a shower".

'Everything is done for me and I am treated well. I decide when I want to get up and when to go to bed".

'I have no worries about the way I am treated here'.

10 October 2011

During a routine inspection

People living at Carrickfinn told us they were treated with respect and that staff preserved their dignity (particularly when they were receiving personal care). People were also of the view that the care and support they were receiving was safe and appropriate and that they were treated as an individual. Regular visitors to the home told us that, in their view, staff were caring for and supporting people properly.