7 September 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection on 12 August 2015, the service was rated ‘Good’. At this inspection, we found the service remained ‘Good’.
During this inspection, we asked people if they felt safe at the home and they responded positively. A variety of environmental and personal care risk assessments had been implemented to reduce the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care. The home had on display at the entrance their safeguarding policy to inform people who to contact should they have concerns.
The registered manager and staff demonstrated they protected people from unsafe management of their medicines. For example, the management team completed regular audits and medication risk assessments to check procedures were robust.
We saw from records and people’s comments the management team recruited staff carefully and safely. One person who lived at Avondale said, “The new staff member is really good. She’s fitted in so well.” We found evidence in staff files that all employees received training to assist them in their roles. Avondale had a full complement of staff and there were sufficient skill mixes to assist each person safely, quickly and competently.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People told us they enjoyed their food and had choice around what to eat. Staff received food hygiene training and completed records to evidence regular kitchen cleaning took place.
We observed staff demonstrated an in-depth awareness of each person who lived at Avondale. People said they always found staff were caring and they enjoyed living at the home. They said the management team planned support collaboratively with them and their relatives.
People told us staff were consistently responsive to their needs and engaged with them in ways that helped to improve their lives. Care records contained detailed information about each person’s backgrounds, current status and their support preferences.
The management team completed regular quality assurance audits to ensure staff met the expected outcomes of care provision. They held regular ‘resident’ meetings to check for concerns and to involve those who lived at Avondale in its development. Staff told us they felt the management team were supportive in their work.