• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Eldon House Care Services

69 Ricardo Street, Dresden, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4EX (01782) 326620

Provided and run by:
Eldon House Care Services Limited

All Inspections

11 July 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider had continued to make improvements to the service since our last inspection in November 2012. People who used the service were happy with the level of care and support they received. One person said, "I think the staff here are wonderful." Another person told us, "The staff are very caring."

People felt involved in their care and felt able to contribute and make decisions about this. A relative told us, "I have just been to a meeting about X's care plan. They always keep you informed about things."

The provider involved other relevant professionals in the care of people. One of the professionals who visited the service explained how effective the staff had been in relation to the care and treatment of a person who used the service. They said, "They work well with us, taking on board our advice about treatment and support."

Care plans contained risk assessments, which were analysed and updated regularly for their effectiveness, ensuring that people who used the service were kept safe.

The quality of the services provided had been monitored and improvements made where indicated. The people who used the service felt they were listened to and that the provider had been responsive to their suggestions. People who used the service and their representatives felt that the provider and management team were approachable and accessible and that the service was well led.

14 November 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Since our last inspection on 24 July 2012 the provider had made improvements to all of the outcome areas in order to meet the standards.

The provider had introduced systems in order to gain and review consent from people who used the service.

People received effective care and support that was centred on them as an individual. The provider had developed care plans so that they were better at meeting people's individual needs. People who used the service and their families were very happy with the care and support they received. One person told us, "This is a lovely place. The care is very good".

People were safeguarded from abuse because the provider had systems in place to recognise and prevent abuse. The provider had increased staff training and awareness of the protection of vulnerable adults and the manager knew how to make referrals to the local authority.

The staff training programme had been developed ensuring that people who used the service were cared for by a staff team who had the skills and knowledge to meet their needs.

Quality assurance programme had been introduced and the home was run in the best interest of the people who used the service. A person said, "The home is extremely well run" and another person told us, "I can talk to the manager any time and she will listen".

24 July 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited the service to check on the care and welfare of people who were living at Eldon House Care Home. The visit was unannounced.

During our visit we used different methods to help us understand the experiences of

people using the service. We spoke with people living at the home, staff members, the acting manager and the provider, and we spent time observing the care provided in the home. We also liaised with the Local Authority in relation to information.

We spoke to ten people living at the home and two visiting relatives. People we spoke

with were all positive about the care and support that they or their relative received. One person told us, "I like my room, and they have made me very comfortable here" and another said, "the food suits me, and the portions are plenty for me". People told us that staff were kind and caring. They told us that staff assisted them when they needed it. One relative said, "I have no complaints about the home, and the owner often pops in to check we are alright". People said that they got up and retired to bed when they choose.

We found that the home was comfortable and that people were able to personalise their bedrooms as they chose to, to reflect their own taste and interests. People were consulted about their care. But this was not formally documented or recorded.

People told us about the lack of activities at the home, and said they were bored sitting doing nothing all day. We were told that there was no activities organiser, and that staff on duty provided activities, when time and staffing levels allowed.

The environment was well maintained by the provider, people told us that they only needed to ask, and the job was done straight away.

We checked the administration of medication, and found that people had their medicines at the times they needed them, and in a safe way.

We found concerns in relation to consent to care and treatment, in that there were no systems in place to gain and review consent from people who live in the home, and act upon them.

We saw that care plans and individual risk assessments were not comprehensively and clearly documented, and did not provide more detailed information for care staff on actions that were needed to minimise risks to people.

The home's staff recruitment and induction system was in need of updating. Regular and documented staff supervision was not taking place, and staff needed update and refresher training.

We found concerns in relation to the quality assurance of the service. We saw that there had been no audits of the service, and there had been no recent surveys undertaken by the home.