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Archived: St Clements Care Services Limited

Grove House, Friarwood Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF8 1DY (01977) 604728

Provided and run by:
St. Clements Care Services Ltd

All Inspections

26, 29 August 2014

During a routine inspection

We asked our five questions; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?

Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on what we found during the inspection, speaking with the company director, staff members, people who used the service and/or their relatives and from looking at records. If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.

Is the service safe?

People were treated with respect and dignity by staff.

There were no systems in place to ensure managers and staff learned from events such as accidents, incidents and concerns.

We saw that most staff had received their initial training during induction. However, when we looked in staff personnel files we were unable to see evidence that any refresher training had been undertaken to maintain staff skills and knowledge. We found all staff files contained all relevant pre-employment checks, including Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks and reference checks from previous employers.

We found there were enough staff to cater to the care needs of people.

Is the service effective?

Where possible, people's care records were assessed with their involvement and with the involvement of relatives and relevant others, including healthcare professionals. However, we found in care records that some individual care plans and risk assessments were overdue a review.

Is the service caring?

People's preferences and needs had been recorded clearly and care and support had been provided in accordance with these needs. We saw evidence through daily records that people were given choices and, where appropriate, these choices were catered to.

Is the service responsive?

People, or relatives of people, knew how to complain if they were unhappy or had any concerns. However, before we carried out this inspection, we had received information of concern from a relative of someone who used the service stating that a complaint had been made 5 months prior to our inspection, but a response not received. We spoke with the company director about this, who assured us that he would look into this and seek to respond in a timely manner.

We were shown the results of satisfaction surveys that had been sent out to people who used the service and their relatives. We were also shown the results of surveys that were sent out to staff on a bi-annual basis.

Is the service well led?

The service worked well with other agencies and services to ensure people received the most suitable care. This included work with GP's, social workers, community nurses and other relevant professionals.

There were no systems in place for the provider to audit and monitor the quality of the service.

Staff were clear about their roles and had a good understanding of the ethos of the service. Staff felt comfortable in speaking with the manager and it was clear that a good working relationship was maintained.

4 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people who used the service, spoke with staff and looked at records. We confirmed that people were asked how they wanted to be supported and were involved in any changes to their care that were required.

We found that people were satisfied with the care they received and felt that staff were caring, consistent and reliable. They made comments like, "The staff are very thoughtful and all are lovely.' And 'I have never had a missed call and they are always prompt.' And also 'They do listen to you and how you want things done.'

We confirmed that the service had a safeguarding policy in place and that the staff were trained and understood their role in the protection of vulnerable adults and children. This meant people were protected from the risks of abuse.

We looked at the recruitment process and found that the service made the required checks to help ensure that only suitable staff were employed.

We spoke with staff who explained that they had the right training and were well supported by the agency. We also confirmed that there was effective leadership and good systems were in place to monitor the care, treatment and support people received.

14 June 2012

During a themed inspection looking at Domiciliary Care Services

We carried out a themed inspection looking at domiciliary care services. We asked people to tell us what it was like to receive services from St Clements Care Services Limited as part of a targeted inspection programme of domiciliary care agencies with particular regard to how people's dignity was upheld and how people were able to make choices about their care.

The inspection team was led by a CQC inspector joined by Expert by Experience, people who have experience of using services and who can provide their perspective.

We used postal surveys, telephone interviews and home visits to people who used the service and also spoke with their main carers (a relative or friend) to gain views about the service.

We were able to contact 23 people either by visiting them in their own home or by telephone. People we spoke with made positive comments about the care and support they received from St Clements Care Services Limited. They told us that the care workers treated them with respect and maintained their dignity. They said care workers always explained what they had come to do and asked for their consent before delivering personal care. They also told us that care staff always made sure their modesty was maintained. One person told us when care workers arrived at the house they called out to inform them who they were. They said it was reassuring to know who was entering their house.

People who used the service and their representatives told us the care and support was planned and delivered in line with individual care plans. They said care plans changed according to people's individual needs. They said care needs assessments and reviews were carried out by the manager or one of the senior co-ordinators and they had a copy of the documents in their homes. However, most of the time they asked care workers or the office staff if they wanted anything. Some people told us that their family members checked the paper work when they visited and sometimes if they were in doubt they would call the office to check.

All the people we spoke with told us that they felt safe and comfortable when care workers visited them. People said that if they were unhappy they would contact the office and were confident action would be taken by the manager.

People said that they had asked to have the staff rota in advance so that they knew who would be calling. They said the manager had made sure that a rota of staff was provided without delay. We were advised by people that care workers were 'on time' 99% of the time and it was only very occasionally that they were late. People told us that they were given an explanation for late arrival.