• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: 1 Church Road

Wembdon, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 7RQ (01278) 453635

Provided and run by:
Voyage 3 Limited

All Inspections

13 August 2013

During a routine inspection

Most people who lived in the home had communication difficulties so we were not able to discuss life in the home with them. We spoke with one person who told us they made their own decisions and staff respected the choices they made. They had been involved in interviewing new staff members. They said 'I had to ask questions. I chose the people I liked'.

Some people used non-verbal communication. We asked two people if they were happy living at the home. They were able to confirm they were by using their preferred method of communication.

Staffing levels had been improved. There were now always enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. We saw that staff provided timely, kind and effective care.

Activities for people had improved significantly since our last inspection. People now chose to attend atmospherics, music sessions, hydrotherapy, walks, swimming and trips out such as to the beach or other places of interest.

People's safety in the home had been improved since our last inspection. One person confirmed they felt safe living at the home. We observed that people who were unable to verbally express their views showed signs of wellbeing, such as smiling or vocalising and actively sought interaction with staff.

The environment had been significantly improved since our last inspection. One person told us they liked the improvements which had been carried out. They said their home now looked 'quite posh'.

4 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who lived in the home. They said they were able to make choices about their day to day lives. One person told us 'I choose what time I get up and go to bed. I like to go out into town. I like shopping, going out for coffee and cake and visiting other places. I go out with a member of staff.'

Two people who lived in the home told us they were well cared for. One said 'I am happy at Church Road.' One person had mixed views about the home. We saw that people who were unable to express their views appeared generally content, although on occasions two people did become unsettled or anxious.

Four people were able to confirm they felt safe living at the home. Incidents which had occurred between people showed that they were not always protected from the negative effects of others behaviour. One person told us other people's behaviour did upset them.

Many areas of the home needed to be improved. This meant that people were not provided with a homely environment.

There were vacancies within the staff team and the provider's preferred level of staffing was not always achieved. This meant that staff may not be available to provide support when needed .

The provider's quality assurance systems were not used consistently. The 2012 service review showed people who lived in the home rated their overall 'satisfaction level' at only 59%. An action plan had been put in place to address this low satisfaction rate.

5 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Two people we spoke with told us about the support they needed and the things they liked to do. They said they were asked what they would like to do and one person told us about the house meetings they now had, where they could talk about things they liked and disliked.

Other people had limited communication skills so they might not be able to make decisions, change a decision or easily express their views. When people were not clearly expressing themselves, staff were good at recognising and interpreting their responses.

People who live in the home told us they felt well cared for and that staff were available when they needed them. They spoke about the new activities they had chosen and their holidays. One person said 'I go out a lot now and do lots of different things. Today I've been swimming. I go bowling and to college as well now and I've been on holiday'. Another person said 'I'm going out to the caf' and later I'm going to help in the office'.

Some records we looked at showed that people were involved in a range of activities such as college courses, bowling, shopping trips, walks and meals out of the home. A number of holidays had been arranged to a variety of places, both in the UK and abroad.

People who live in the home had a wide range of complex needs and were able to access health or social care professionals when they needed to. Since our last inspection many referrals had been made to health professionals to support people who live in the home.

People are supported by staff that had been trained to recognise and respond to abuse or potential abuse. There had been one recent incident which had been reported appropriately by staff as a safeguarding concern and correct action had been taken by the home's manager to ensure people were safe.

People told us they liked the staff who supported them. One person said 'yes, I like them'. Throughout our inspection we saw staff interact and communicate with people who live at the home. Staff communicated with people in a kind and professional way and had time for them. There was a relaxed and happy atmosphere in the home.

7, 8 March 2011

During a routine inspection

When asked what was good about the home one person said 'I am happy living here, the staff are kind and they treat me with respect'. Other comments included 'I really like it here'. 'I like having a bath and the staff help me. I can have a bath when I like'. 'I can go to bed when I want, I like going early. I get up early and the night staff help me'.

We asked people if they disliked anything. One person told us 'I am staying in the kitchen because I don't like one person who is in the lounge'. Another person said 'I don't like one person who shouts a lot, it upsets me'.