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Archived: Marsden Street Supported Living Service

24 Marsden Street, London, NW5 3HD (020) 7428 9819

Provided and run by:
Circle Care And Support

All Inspections

15 August 2014

During a routine inspection

We visited Marsden Street Supportive Living to ask five questions: was the service safe; was the service effective; was the service caring; was the service responsive and was the service well led.

During the inspection we were able to communicate with three people who used the service. We spoke with one family member and with five people who worked at the home.

Is the service safe?

People's needs were assessed and treatment was planned with the help of individuals and their representatives. Care files we checked confirmed that initial assessments had been carried out by experienced staff before people were accepted into the service. This was to ensure the service could meet identified needs, thereby promoting their safety.

The service had ensured all people who lived at the home had been referred to the local authority in order to receive best interest's assessments. This was important as people who used the service had varying degrees of mental capacity which might have left them at risk.

People were looked after and cared for by staff who were suitably qualified, skilled and experienced. We checked staff supervision and training files and found the provider had made arrangements to ensure staff received training and sufficient supervision so that people received care which was safe and appropriate.

Is the service effective?

During our observations we noted that people's views and experiences were taken into account and their privacy and dignity was respected by staff. We noted staff listened to people and explained the choices available to them in the way people found it easy to understand. We saw staff using communication methods such as pictures and object of reference which ensured people's choices were understood and acted on.

Is the service caring?

We were informed by people and care staff that people were able to express their views and be involved in making decisions about their care and treatment each day. People were supported by staff who were attentive and friendly. We saw care workers showing patience and gave encouragement when supporting people.

Is the service responsive?

People's views and experiences were taken into account and their privacy and dignity was respected by care workers who looked after them. We saw in minutes of family meetings how the service responded positively to issues that might be raised. We saw by reading care support plans when a person's health declined the provider immediately took steps to have the person's needs reassessed by the local authority. This showed us that care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way, which was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. It also showed us the provider contacted appropriate professionals at the correct time to make sure people were in receipt of appropriate care and treatment promptly.

Is the service well led?

We saw in records of meetings and in supervision records we read how the manager supported care support staff to deliver a safe effective service. We saw how management responded positively and expediently to modify the service when required. Staff we spoke with confirmed they felt supported. People who used the service told us they felt the home was well led.

28 June 2013

During a routine inspection

People who used the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences. However, we were able to review their files, speak to staff and a relative of a person and observe staff interaction with people who used the service.

People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. Care plans and risk assessments were regularly updated by staff. People were engaged with activities that reflected their needs. We noted that staff had support and training to deliver care appropriate to people's needs.

There were policies and auditing systems in place to ensure that people received safe care and support that met their needs.

3 April 2012

During a routine inspection

We used several different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service. This was because the people using the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences. We observed afternoon and evening routines and the interactions between staff and people using the service.

We spoke to two relatives and two lead professionals who told us that the service was person centred and focused on meeting people's needs. People we spoke to were positive about the service:

One lead professional stated ' the staff team at 24 Marsden Street are very strong and very good at understanding the needs of the individual; responding to them and looking holistically at their wellbeing'

One relative told us that '24 Marsden Street is very good and they look after my daughter extremely well'. They really understand her complex needs and they are particularly on the ball in regard to her many medical appointments which is very impressive. They always give 110%'.

Another relative commented that 24 Marsden Street is ' a service that listens to the views and concerns of relatives and where possible acts upon them'.

One relative stated that 'active relative participation is very important to ensure the service keeps its positive ethos and stays true to its original mission and vision'.

One relative said, 'that although care and treatment is good, the service should listen more to relatives and try their best to act on concerns more quickly.'

We saw people being treated with respect by staff. Staff encouraged and supported people to be as independent as they could be. Staff interacted with people who used the service in a caring and sensitive way and people appeared relaxed in their presence. We saw that people were given choices and their wishes were respected and this was reflected in the assessments of their needs and their detailed care plans. Staff were flexible in meeting people's needs, they were knowledgeable about how best to communicate and support people with their complex needs.