Archived: The Lindons

120 Ashburton Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 1RJ (01626) 368070

Provided and run by:
Lindons Care Home Limited

All Inspections

3 January 2013

During a routine inspection

A previous inspection had identified that repairs were necessary to some fixtures and fittings. We noted in this inspection that repairs had been done and the home had an ongoing refurbishment programme.

When we inspected The Lindons 18 people were living at the home. We spoke with three people who lived at the home. They all thought they were treated respectfully and as individuals. Comments included, "they are kind, the staff know me here and what I like." A relative of one person told us that "staff work hard here to look after everyone."

We observed care that was competent and safe, such as people being supported to mobilise with the use of appropriate equipment. Staff engaged with people in daily activity sessions, such as skittles, to enable people to participate as much as they were able to. A previous inspection had identified that improvements were needed to ensure people had a choice of activities and a choice of which television programmes they watched. We saw that the provider had taken positive action to improve this.

Care plans that we looked at recorded involvement of people or their representatives in their care and reviews. Care records were clear and contained sufficient detailed information to support care delivery. A visiting GP said that the home made prompt, appropriate referrals. We saw that improvements had been made in recording people's social histories and social needs since the last inspection.

5 October 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people in their private rooms and the lounge.

People we spoke with said they found the staff 'very kind'. We observed and heard interactions between staff and people living at the home, and noted many examples to show that people are shown respect and kindness. Laughter and friendly banter was heard during the inspection. Staff told us they 'got to know' peoples' likes and dislikes after working with them for many months.

People told us they are happy at the home. One person said 'I have been here years, the staff look after me well and I can do as I please.' A member of staff said 'This is the best home I have worked in, they do have choice.'

Another person said they did nothing in the day apart from watch TV. They said 'I do get bored but everybody does.' They went on to say that 'in a lot of ways it is better than home but there is nothing to do'. They felt 'very well looked after and had nothing to complain about'.

In general the home was clean and tidy and each room had a domestic cleaning check list. However some areas were not well maintained. We were shown a budgeted, planned programme of repair and replacement for the areas we had noted as needing attention. The senior management team told us that a maintenance person had now been employed at the home to carry out this work.