W2. Is there a clear vision and credible strategy to deliver high-quality sustainable care to people, and robust plans to deliver?
W2.1 Is there a clear vision and a set of values, with quality and sustainability as the top priorities?
W2.2 Is there a robust, realistic strategy for achieving the priorities and delivering good quality sustainable care?
W2.3 Have the vision, values and strategy been developed using a structured planning process in collaboration with staff, people who use services, and external partners?
W2.4 Do staff know and understand what the vision, values and strategy are, and their role in achieving them?
W2.5 Is the strategy aligned to local plans in the wider health and social care economy, and how have services been planned to meet the needs of the relevant population?
W2.6 Is progress against delivery of the strategy and local plans monitored and reviewed, and is there evidence to show this?