C2. How does the service support people to express their views and be actively involved in making decisions about their care, treatment and support as far as possible?
C2.1 Do staff communicate with people so that they understand their care, treatment and condition and any advice given?
C2.2 Do staff seek accessible ways to communicate with people – when their protected equality or other characteristics make this necessary?
C2.3 How do staff make sure that people who use services and those close to them are able to find further information, including community and advocacy services, or ask questions about their care and treatment? How are they supported to access these?
C2.4 Are people empowered and supported, where necessary, to use and link with support networks and advocacy, so that it will have a positive impact on their health, care and wellbeing?
C2.5 Do staff routinely involve people who use services and those close to them (including carers and dependants) in planning and making shared decisions about their care and treatment? Do people feel listened to, respected and have their views considered?
C2.6 Are people's carers, advocates and representatives, including family members and friends, identified, welcomed, and treated as important partners in the delivery of their care?
C2.7 What emotional support and information is provided to those close to people who use services, including carers, family and dependants?