W7. Are the people who use services, the public, staff and external partners engaged and involved to support high-quality sustainable services?
W7.1 Are people's views and experiences gathered and acted on to shape and improve the services and culture? Does this include people in a range of equality groups?
W7.2 Are people who use services, those close to them and their representatives actively engaged and involved in decision-making to shape services and culture? Does this include people in a range of equality groups?
W7.3 Are staff actively engaged so that their views are reflected in the planning and delivery of services and in shaping the culture? Does this include those with a protected equality characteristic?
W7.4 Are there positive and collaborative relationships with external partners to build a shared understanding of challenges within the system and the needs of the relevant population, and to deliver services to meet those needs?
W7.5 Is there transparency and openness with all stakeholders about performance?