People spoke positively with us about how treatment options had been explained. They told us that they understood the care and treatment choices available. One person observed that the dentist was 'very good' and 'explained everything.'We selected two patient records at random. The provider was able to talk us through the records and demonstrate how patient progress was continually assessed and documented. One of the records clearly highlighted that the patient had a penicillin allergy. This meant that the provider had systems in place to help protect people against the risks of receiving inappropriate or unsafe care.
Not all staff had received safeguarding training and the provider was unable to provide contact details for the local authority safeguarding team. This meant that staff might be unaware of safeguarding issues and/or how to raise safeguarding concerns.
There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. We saw that the waiting area, treatment room and decontamination area were clean and clutter free. One person observed that the practice had 'high standards of hygiene' whilst another referred to cleanliness levels as being of an 'excellent standard'.
None of the people we spoke with expressed concerns about the accuracy or confidentiality of patient records. One person referred to the practice as, 'thoroughly professional'.