Health and social care fees 2016/17 consultation

Page last updated: 22 April 2022

About this consultation

The fees paid by providers, together with grant-in-aid from the Government, ensure that we can monitor the safety and quality of care through registration and inspections and take action if they provide poor care.

Government policy for fee-setting regulators is that chargeable costs must be fully covered through fees income. This means we must increase the fees we charge to providers and reduce our reliance on grant-in-aid. This consultation proposal was for all providers except for those in the dental sector.

We sought views on two options for the timetable to move to a position where we recover full chargeable costs.

In the dental sector our fees already cover our chargeable costs – we're expecting these costs to remain the same over 2016/17 and reduce over 2017/18. We also asked for views on our proposal to decrease dental fees charges in 2017/18.


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Fees scheme information

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